As A Journal

As A Journal
As A Journal

Subscription: 2 issues per year | Language: English | Country: Lithuania

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Subscription to As A Journal

As A Journal invites you to explore the depths of contemporary cultural movements through a unique lens. Each issue delves into a single topic, offering fresh perspectives and insightful contributions from artists, creators, and researchers in Lithuania and beyond. A subscription to As A Journal promises an intellectually stimulating journey through diverse cultural landscapes.

This subscription is for the print version of As A Journal, published twice a year in English. Each issue adopts a new title and theme, inviting readers to immerse themselves in a single topic from a variety of unexpected cultural angles. The content is meticulously curated by guest editors with a special interest in the chosen theme, and crafted by an international team of contributors. This subscription covers one year, providing you with two beautifully printed issues that will enrich your understanding of global cultural movements. As A Journal is perfect for those who appreciate deep dives into specific topics, presented with artistic flair and academic rigor. Embrace the opportunity to engage with thought-provoking content and discover new perspectives on contemporary issues.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth exploration of a single, culturally relevant topic.
  • Unique perspectives from artists, creators, and researchers.
  • Curated content by guest editors with a passion for the theme.
  • High-quality print format, published twice a year.


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