
Aufwind Aufwind Aufwind

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Aufwind Magazine

Aufwind Magazine is Germany's largest and most beloved publication dedicated to sailplane model sports. With comprehensive tests and presentations of innovative prototypes and technologies, Aufwind is the go-to resource for enthusiasts. A subscription to Aufwind ensures you stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the world of model sailplanes.

This subscription is for the print version of Aufwind Magazine, written in German and published six times a year. Each issue spans 90 to 100 pages, offering in-depth coverage on various aspects of model sailplanes. From detailed reports on sailplane fairs across Germany to intricate technical analyses and thorough tests of individual sailplane models, Aufwind caters to both seasoned hobbyists and newcomers. Additionally, the magazine features simplified explanations of technical jargon, making it accessible to a wider audience. Each issue is richly illustrated and includes model building plans and posters, providing a visually engaging and informative experience. By subscribing to Aufwind for one year, you receive six issues filled with expert insights, news, and inspiration for your model sailplane pursuits.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Detailed reports on sailplane fairs and private collections.
  • Comprehensive technical analyses with simplified explanations.
  • Thorough tests of individual sailplane models.
  • Rich illustrations, model building plans, and posters.


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