Courage (German)

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Courage (Deutsch)
Courage (Deutsch)
Courage (Deutsch)
Courage (Deutsch)

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Courage

Courage is a dynamic magazine from Germany, designed to empower women to take control of their finances, advance their careers, and enjoy life to the fullest. With its insightful articles and thoughtful features, this subscription provides invaluable guidance and inspiration for modern women.

This subscription delivers the print version of Courage magazine, written in German, directly to your doorstep six times a year. Each issue is thoughtfully crafted to cover a wide range of topics that resonate with women, from financial advice and career development to lifestyle tips and personal stories of inspiration.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Practical financial advice, including saving tips, insurance reviews, and investment strategies.
  • Career advancement articles featuring the latest trends like New Work and Money-Mindset.
  • Inspiring portraits and reports on successful women and their journeys.
  • Lifestyle content covering family, love, and enjoyment of life, with travel stories and partnership advice.


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