
Damals Damals Damals

Subscription: 14 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Damals

Since 1969, Damals has been a monthly magazine that intertwines various historical realms, making it a cherished resource for history enthusiasts. With each issue, Damals brings a specific event, person, or epoch to the forefront, providing a rich, scholarly yet accessible exploration of the past.

This subscription is for the print version of Damals, proudly published in Germany and written in German. The magazine is released 14 times a year, offering readers a steady stream of meticulously researched historical content. Each issue features contributions from renowned historians, philologists, archaeologists, and cultural historians, ensuring a broad and solid scientific foundation. Additionally, Damals includes book reviews, exhibition tips, and TV program recommendations related to historical themes. The magazine's scientific advisory board ensures the reliability and accuracy of the presented theses, while its popular science approach makes it accessible to both experts and history enthusiasts alike. In 2015, Damals underwent a significant revamp, refreshing its appearance and content.

By subscribing to Damals, you will receive 14 issues over the course of a year, delivered directly to your doorstep. This subscription is perfect for historians, educators, students, and anyone with a keen interest in history. Each issue promises a high level of scholarly content, enriched with numerous recommendations for further reading and viewing, making it an invaluable resource for deepening your understanding of historical events and figures.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth exploration of a specific historical event, person, or epoch.
  • Contributions from esteemed historians and scholars.
  • Book reviews and tips for exhibitions and TV programs.
  • High-quality, scientifically grounded content.
  • Popular science approach, accessible to both experts and enthusiasts.


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