Décision Achats

Decision Achats
Decision Achats

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: French | Country: France

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Subscription to Décision Achats

Décision Achats, the only magazine entirely dedicated to procurement decision-makers, offers you all the strategies and management tools to build a service that meets your needs and optimizes the management of your product categories. With in-depth analysis and practical advice, each issue is a valuable resource for professionals in the procurement and purchasing world.

This French magazine, published in French, is designed for professionals in the procurement and purchasing sector. With a publication frequency of six issues per year, Décision Achats covers a variety of key topics, including sustainable solutions to increase internal customer satisfaction while controlling costs, practical advice for identifying and selecting suppliers, as well as all the latest industry news and sectoral focus by purchase category such as general services, business travel, and technology. The subscription lasts for one year, guaranteeing you six printed issues delivered directly to your door. Each issue is a source of inspiration and expertise, contributing to the success and performance of companies.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Strategies and management tools to optimize procurement management.
  • Practical advice for identifying and selecting suppliers.
  • Industry news and sectoral focus by purchase category.
  • Sustainable solutions to control costs and satisfy internal customers.


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