El Pais Domingo

El Pais Domingo
El Pais Domingo

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Subscription to El Pais Domingo

El Pais Domingo, established in 1976, offers insightful and comprehensive reporting on national and international affairs, making it a must-read for Spanish language enthusiasts. This weekly newspaper provides a deep dive into various topics, from politics and economy to culture and sports, ensuring you stay well-informed and engaged.

This subscription is for the print version of El Pais Domingo, available to readers in Germany. The subscription lasts for one year, delivering 52 issues directly to your doorstep. Each issue of El Pais Domingo is rich in content and features contributions from renowned authors like Javier Marías and Mario Vargas Llosa. As a leading Spanish-language newspaper, it provides a balanced perspective with its left-liberal stance, making it a trusted source of information. El Pais Domingo is also a proud member of the Leading European Newspaper Alliance (LENA), collaborating with other prestigious newspapers like Die Welt and Le Figaro. This subscription is perfect for native Spanish speakers and those looking to improve their Spanish through high-quality journalism.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth coverage of national and international politics.
  • Extensive reporting on economics, culture, and sports.
  • Insights from distinguished authors and journalists.
  • Weekly analysis of editorial decisions and principles.
  • High-quality print edition delivered to your doorstep.


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