
eXperimenta eXperimenta

Subscription: 11 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to eXperimenta

eXperimenta, established in 2002 in Bingen am Rhein, is a premier German magazine dedicated to literature, art, and society. Each issue offers a unique space for modern literary and artistic experiments, making it an invaluable resource for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

This subscription is for the print version of eXperimenta, delivered to your doorstep eleven times a year. Each issue presents a rich tapestry of previously unpublished works by authors and artists, alongside insightful articles that explore the societal context of literature and its interplay with other art forms. Under the expert guidance of literary scholar Prof. Dr. Mario Andreotti and writer Rüdiger Heins, eXperimenta delves into a wide array of topics that are sure to inspire and engage. From interviews with authors, publishers, and illustrators to book reviews and project showcases, every edition is a treasure trove of literary and artistic exploration. Essays on literary and societal themes, reports from readings, events, exhibitions, and festivals, as well as poetry and tips for authors, ensure that there is something for everyone. The magazine is written in German, appealing to a discerning audience passionate about the literary and artistic landscape.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Interviews with authors, publishers, and illustrators.
  • Book reviews and project showcases.
  • Reports from readings, events, exhibitions, and festivals.
  • Essays on literary and societal themes.
  • Poetry and tips for authors.


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