Frau aktuell

Frau aktuell Frau aktuell Frau aktuell Frau aktuell
Frau aktuell
Frau aktuell
Frau aktuell
Frau aktuell

Subscription: 52 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Frau aktuell

Frau aktuell, a staple since 1965, is your go-to magazine for the latest in celebrity gossip, fashion, beauty, and everyday tips. With its rich history and engaging content, this weekly publication caters to women who enjoy staying updated on the lives of the stars and seeking practical advice for their daily lives.

This subscription to Frau aktuell brings you the best of German entertainment journalism straight to your doorstep. Delivered weekly, this print version ensures you never miss an issue filled with the juiciest celebrity gossip, helpful lifestyle tips, and much more.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Exclusive stories on celebrities like Florian Silbereisen, Charles and Camilla, Heidi Klum, and Jogi Löw.
  • In-depth articles on fashion, beauty, wellness, family, health, and nutrition.
  • Weekly TV program highlights and recommendations.
  • A perfect blend of entertaining gossip and practical advice for everyday life.


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