
Konkret Konkret

Subscription: 12 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Konkret

Konkret, established in 1957, is a renowned German magazine dedicated to politics and culture. It offers thought-provoking content with a critical and intellectual approach, making it a valuable subscription for those passionate about in-depth journalism.

This subscription is for the print version of Konkret, written in German and published monthly. Over the course of a year, you will receive 12 issues filled with insightful articles on both German and international politics, cultural critiques, and theoretical discussions, particularly focusing on Marxism. Konkret does not shy away from controversy and is known for its leftist stance, while also critically examining other leftist perspectives. Each issue includes political analyses, cultural and cultural-political themes, book reviews, CD recommendations, and film articles. With its high intellectual standards and critical spirit, Konkret is a must-read for anyone interested in rigorous and challenging journalism.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on German and international politics.
  • Theoretical discussions with a focus on Marxism.
  • Cultural critiques, including book reviews and CD recommendations.
  • Film articles and cultural-political themes.
  • High intellectual standards and a critical approach.


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