Le Figaro Histoire

Le Figaro Histoire
Le Figaro Histoire

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: French | Country: France

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Subscription to Le Figaro Histoire

Le Figaro Histoire is a bimonthly French language publication that delves into the significant periods and events that have shaped our world. With each issue, readers embark on a high-quality journey through the corridors of the past, making it an invaluable resource for history enthusiasts.

This subscription is for the print version of Le Figaro Histoire, offering a deep dive into historical topics and current exhibitions. Published six times a year in France, each issue is meticulously crafted to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of historical events and their impact. The magazine is divided into three sections: the latest news and historical exhibitions, an in-depth chronicle of a specific historical event, and the ‘spirit of the age’ section. This unique format ensures a well-rounded exploration of both major historical milestones and the everyday details that paint a fuller picture of the past. A one-year subscription includes six issues, delivered directly to your doorstep, allowing you to immerse yourself in the richness of history from the comfort of your home.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Latest news and current historical exhibitions.
  • In-depth chronicle of a specific historical event.
  • Exploration of art history and everyday details of specific periods.


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