Le Monde de la Bible

Le Monde de la Bible Le Monde de la Bible
Le Monde de la Bible
Le Monde de la Bible

Subscription: 4 issues per year | Language: French | Country: France

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Subscription to Le Monde de la Bible

Le Monde de la Bible is a prestigious French magazine dedicated to exploring the depths of history, art, and archeology. With a subscription, embark on an enlightening journey to uncover the origins of Christian religious heritage and monotheistic culture.

This subscription is for the print version of Le Monde de la Bible, providing readers with four issues per year. Each issue is meticulously crafted by experts, offering a wealth of knowledge on travel, art, and history. Dive into the captivating stories of great civilizations from antiquity to the present day, and gain a profound understanding of religion and its historical context. As a reader, you will be enriched with fascinating insights and analyses, making you a source of intriguing facts for friends and family. Le Monde de la Bible is written in French and published in France, ensuring an authentic and immersive experience. Subscribe for one year and receive four beautifully printed issues that will transport you to the heart of historical wonders.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on history, art, and archeology.
  • Expert analyses of Christian religious heritage and monotheistic culture.
  • Captivating stories of ancient and modern civilizations.
  • High-quality print edition, published four times a year.


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