Neue Musikzeitung

Neue Musikzeitung Neue Musikzeitung
Neue Musikzeitung
Neue Musikzeitung

Subscription: 10 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Neue Musikzeitung

Neue Musikzeitung is Germany's largest music trade newspaper, providing expert information across all areas of the music world: comprehensive, diverse, controversial, and entertaining. With a subscription, you'll gain access to invaluable insights and updates on classical music, jazz, music education, book and CD reviews, competitions, background information, and job opportunities for musicians.

This subscription is for the print version of Neue Musikzeitung, written in German and published ten times a year. Each issue, delivered directly to your doorstep, includes reviews, reports, and commentaries on new releases, cultural policies, the music industry, personnel, and news from the German music scene. Additionally, you’ll find updates from the current music scene and reports from the music education sector. The rich content is ideal for music students and enthusiasts who are passionate about international music and the broader music culture. With exclusive news from major music competitions and councils, each issue of Neue Musikzeitung offers a wealth of information for those who appreciate in-depth coverage of the music world.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Comprehensive reviews and reports on new music releases.
  • In-depth commentaries on cultural policies and the music industry.
  • Exclusive updates from major music competitions and councils.
  • Insights into the current music scene and music education sector.
  • Job listings and opportunities for musicians.


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