
Opernwelt Opernwelt Opernwelt

Subscription: 12 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Opernwelt

Opernwelt, an esteemed international magazine dedicated to musical theater, has been a cornerstone of opera journalism since 1960. Renowned for its in-depth coverage and authoritative voice, Opernwelt offers readers a comprehensive look into the world of opera, making it an indispensable resource for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

This subscription is for the print version of Opernwelt, published in Germany and written in German. The magazine is released monthly, providing 12 issues per year. Each issue is packed with insightful articles, including reports on opera houses and stages, profiles of composers and soloists, and extensive reviews of new CDs and books related to opera. The annual yearbook is a highlight, featuring critical acclaim and awards such as "Opera House of the Year" and "Performance of the Year," determined by a panel of 50 opera critics. Opernwelt also boasts an extensive event calendar, ensuring readers stay informed about upcoming opera performances and events. Subscribe to Opernwelt for a year and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of opera through meticulously curated content and expert analysis.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth reports on opera houses and stages.
  • Profiles of renowned composers and soloists.
  • Extensive reviews of new opera CDs and books.
  • Comprehensive event calendar for opera performances.
  • Annual yearbook featuring critical acclaim and awards.


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