Politische Ökologie

Politische Okologie Politische Okologie
Politische Okologie
Politische Okologie

Subscription: 4 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Politische Ökologie

Engage deeply with the critical debates on sustainability with a subscription to Politische Ökologie. This German magazine stands out by challenging conventional thinking, asking unconventional questions, and offering a unique perspective on ecological and social issues. A subscription provides you with a rich resource for understanding the intricate dialogues between science, economics, politics, and NGOs.

Politische Ökologie is a quarterly publication that delves into diverse themes of sustainability, making it an essential read for anyone involved in or interested in the sustainability discourse. Each issue, written in German, features a comprehensive focus on a central theme, explored from multiple viewpoints by renowned authors. The magazine serves as a dynamic encyclopedia of sustainability, visually appealing and intellectually stimulating. With a one-year subscription, you will receive four meticulously curated issues that remain relevant and insightful long after their publication.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth exploration of a central sustainability theme from various perspectives.
  • Projects and concepts related to the issue's main topic.
  • Expert articles from notable authors on current sustainability debates.
  • A media review with literature and internet recommendations.


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