
Publik-Forum Publik-Forum Publik-Forum

Subscription: 24 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Publik-Forum

Publik-Forum, established in 1972, is a revered German magazine dedicated to religious and church-related topics. It offers a critical, independent, and progressive perspective on Christianity, making it a valuable read for those interested in thoughtful discourse on religion and society.

This subscription is for the print version of Publik-Forum, published in Germany and written in German. The magazine is issued 24 times a year, ensuring a steady stream of insightful content. Each edition delves into a wide array of subjects including politics, society, religion, and culture. With its roots in the Catholic Church, Publik-Forum now champions ecumenism and often presents progressive viewpoints. The magazine's readership includes a diverse mix of Protestant and Catholic individuals, reflecting its broad appeal. By subscribing, you will receive every issue for a year, providing you with continuous access to its rich and varied content. Each print issue delivers in-depth articles and analyses, making it an essential resource for anyone interested in contemporary religious and social issues.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on politics, society, religion, and culture.
  • Progressive and independent perspectives on Christianity.
  • Coverage of ecumenical movements and initiatives.
  • Insights from both Protestant and Catholic viewpoints.
  • 24 issues per year, ensuring regular and timely content.


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