Record Culture Magazine

Record Culture Magazine
Record Culture Magazine

Subscription: 2 issues per year | Language: English | Country: United States

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Subscription to Record Culture Magazine

Record Culture Magazine delves deeply into the world of vinyl records, offering a rich, narrative-driven experience. With each issue, immerse yourself in in-depth interviews with musicians, collectors, and industry insiders, and explore the stories behind iconic albums and rare finds.

This subscription provides the print version of Record Culture Magazine, published in the United States and written in English, arriving at your doorstep twice a year. Each issue is a visual and intellectual feast, celebrating the artistry and passion of vinyl culture, making it a must-have for music lovers.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth interviews with musicians, collectors, and industry insiders.
  • Rich, narrative-driven articles exploring iconic albums and rare finds.
  • Striking photography that captures the essence of vinyl culture.
  • Curated playlists and insightful reviews of new releases.
  • Detailed analyses of classic records.


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