Reiter Revue International

Reiter Revue International Reiter Revue International
Reiter Revue International
Reiter Revue International

Subscription: 12 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Reiter Revue International

Reiter Revue International is a specialized magazine dedicated to harmonious equestrian sports, offering practical tips and valuable advice on training, care, feeding, and health for horse enthusiasts who want the best for their horses.

This subscription is for the print version of Reiter Revue International, published in Germany and written in German. The subscription lasts for one year, providing you with 12 issues delivered directly to your doorstep. Each issue features expertly written articles on a range of topics, including harmonious training, ongoing horse health, appropriate housing, balanced feeding, and suitable equipment for both rider and horse. Contributions come not only from journalists but also from renowned veterinarians, riding masters, Olympic champions, physiotherapists, and other experts. Reiter Revue International is a trusted advisor on harmonious riding, offering concrete, practical tips for every rider to ensure a happy, healthy horse. Stay up-to-date with the latest in equestrian sports, horse care, and breeding through current reports and expert insights.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Expertly written articles on harmonious training and horse health.
  • Practical tips for optimal horse care, feeding, and equipment.
  • Contributions from renowned experts in the equestrian field.
  • Monthly updates on the latest in equestrian sports and horse breeding.


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