
Reiterjournal Reiterjournal Reiterjournal

Subscription: 12 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Reiterjournal

Reiterjournal is an informative equestrian magazine that delves into regional topics surrounding tournament sports and horse breeding in Baden-Württemberg. A subscription to Reiterjournal connects you to the heart of the equestrian world in Southern Germany, providing valuable insights and updates every month.

This subscription is for the print version of Reiterjournal, published in German, and is ideal for anyone passionate about equestrian sports, whether you're an active rider, breeder, or simply a horse enthusiast. The magazine serves as the official organ for various specialized associations and organizations, offering comprehensive coverage on all matters related to horses. Each issue features a horse and advertisement market, giving you a glimpse into the regional equestrian scene in Baden-Württemberg and its surroundings. With a clear and accessible writing style, Reiterjournal is perfect for newcomers to the sport, while experienced riders can deepen their knowledge and stay well-informed. The magazine covers exciting topics such as top riding schools, tips for proper horse care, functional riding apparel, FN rankings, the profession of farriery, Marbach's premium stallions, the dream job of horse management, the immune system of horses, and much more. Interviews with prominent figures in German equestrian sports, tips from top breeders, club portraits, and news from various auctions in Germany are also included. Reiterjournal serves as a guide for purchasing the right sport horse and explores aspects of training young riders for tournaments. Exciting competitions round out the magazine.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on equestrian sports and horse breeding in Baden-Württemberg.
  • Horse and advertisement market insights.
  • Interviews with leading figures in German equestrian sports.
  • Tips from top horse breeders and trainers.
  • Coverage of regional events and auctions.


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