Spektrum Geschichte

Spektrum Geschichte Spektrum Geschichte Spektrum Geschichte
Spektrum Geschichte
Spektrum Geschichte
Spektrum Geschichte

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Spektrum Geschichte

Spektrum Geschichte is a captivating magazine for history and culture enthusiasts, offering readers fascinating reports from archaeology and history. A subscription to Spektrum Geschichte provides valuable insights and exciting revelations about unknown cultures and historical epochs.

This subscription is for the print version of Spektrum Geschichte, a German magazine that appears bi-monthly, delivering 6 issues per year. Each edition offers a unique reportage on archaeology, history, and culture, allowing readers to delve into ancient civilizations and discover intriguing historical events. The magazine also demystifies credible-sounding myths, providing clarity for history lovers. From the dawn of humanity to modern times, Spektrum Geschichte covers both major and minor episodes of the past, showcasing how archaeologists and historians unravel the unsolved mysteries of our human history. This subscription lasts for one year and is perfect for those who wish to expand their historical knowledge and understanding of past cultures and the people who lived during those times.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth coverage of archaeological discoveries and historical events.
  • Fascinating insights into unknown cultures and epochs.
  • Clarification of myths and legends with historical context.
  • Engaging articles that explore both major and minor historical episodes.


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