
Tauchen Tauchen Tauchen

Subscription: 12 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Tauchen

Tauchen Magazine, a cornerstone of underwater exploration journalism since 1978, is a must-have for diving enthusiasts. With its rich history and broad thematic range, Tauchen offers readers an in-depth look at the underwater world, making it an invaluable resource for both professional and recreational divers.

This subscription is for the print version of Tauchen Magazine, published in Germany and written in German. Each month, Tauchen delivers a new issue packed with a wide array of topics. From political discussions about diving in protected areas to the latest travel destinations and technological innovations, Tauchen covers all aspects of this fascinating hobby. Health tips for divers, reports on underwater wildlife, and features on wreck diving are also regular highlights. The magazine's reputation as a comprehensive reference is solidified by its annual awards and Top 50 lists. The readership primarily comprises individuals over 40 with a keen interest in underwater activities and an above-average household income. With a subscription, you'll receive 12 issues over the course of a year, ensuring a steady stream of engaging content.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on diving destinations and political issues.
  • Updates on the latest diving technology and health tips.
  • Features on wreck diving and underwater wildlife.
  • Annual awards and Top 50 lists.


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