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Youngtimer (Deutschsprachig)
Youngtimer (Deutschsprachig)
Youngtimer (Deutschsprachig)
Youngtimer (Deutschsprachig)

Subscription: 8 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Youngtimer

Youngtimer is the ultimate magazine for classic car enthusiasts, focusing on vehicles from the 1970s to the 1990s. Each issue is packed with in-depth articles, restoration projects, maintenance tips, and fascinating historical context. This subscription is perfect for anyone passionate about classic cars and looking to immerse themselves in the world of youngtimers.

This subscription to Youngtimer delivers the print version of the magazine to your doorstep eight times a year. Written entirely in German, the magazine features exclusive interviews with car enthusiasts and industry experts, detailed technical specifications, market insights, and captivating reader-submitted stories and photographs. Dive into the rich history and ongoing legacy of classic cars with every issue.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Detailed articles on classic car models from the 1970s to the 1990s.
  • Comprehensive restoration projects and maintenance tips.
  • Interviews with car enthusiasts and industry experts.
  • Technical specifications and market insights.
  • Reader-submitted stories and photographs.


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